Interested in Audiobooks?
The most fun thing about writing is doing the audiobook version, and Foundations of Love was no different. You get to hear auditions from voice actors, and if you’re lucky, you find one that matches the voices of your characters perfectly.
We were really lucky!
Foundations of Love is now an audiobook that’s live on Amazon, Audible, and iTunes! And we really think you’re going to like the narrator. He really picked up on the subtle cues that we had for each character and ran with them. His name is Ian Lockheart – remember that. He’s agreed to narrate our complete Hart’s Square series!
If you want to pick up the audiobook version of Foundations of Love, you can find it here:
Amazon at this link
Audible at this link
iTunes Bookstore at this link
Cover Reveal & Pre-Order!
The next book in our Hart’s Square series is titled AI Think I Love You – and it’s a unique take on a romance book. We went back and forth on the cover, but I think this one that we decided on came out perfect. What about you?

You can click on the cover and it’ll take you over to Amazon where the book is available for pre-order! The book will go live and be available on May 20th, so just eight short days away. Or if you’re a member of Kindle Unlimited, this book will be part of KU starting on the 20th. Here’s a little blurb from the book (which you can also click):
That’s it for now, friends!. Remember – keep reading, stay awesome, and be well!